10th International Symposium on Enabling Technologies (ETP 2019)
1st Eastern Canada MS Conference
35th Trent Conference
August 4 to 7
Bishop's University
Sherbrooke, QC, CANADA

Lekha Sleno, Université du Québec à Montréal
Invited Speakers
Christiane Auray-Blais, Université de Sherbrooke
Kristina Hakansson, University of Michigan
Peter Liuni, York University
Guy Poirier, Université Laval
Dajana Vuckovic, Concordia University
Sydney Wellman, University of Toronto
Lekha Sleno, Université du Québec à Montréal
Invited Speakers
Jeffrey Agar, Northeastern University
Vladimir Baranov, Fluidigm Canada Inc.
Kevin Bateman, MERCK
Catherine E. Costello, Boston University - School of Medicine
Daniel Figeys, University of Ottawa
Richard Oleschuk, Queen’s University
9th International Symposium on Enabling Technologies (ETP 2017)
May 4-5, 2017
University of Ottawa
Ottawa, ON, CANADA

8th International Symposium on Enabling Technologies (ETP 2015)
December 1-2, 2015
Chateau Lake Louise
Lake Louise, AB, CANADA

Daniel Figeys, University of Ottawa
Invited Speakers
Joshua E. Elias, Stanford University
Leonard Foster, University of British Columbia
Dr. Olga Schubert, ETH Zurich
Alain Stintzi, University of Ottawa
Symposium Chair
David Bressler, Biorefining Conversions Network
Invited Speakers
Tom Covey, AB SCIEX
Peter Facchini, University of Calgary
Nathan Hillson, US DOE Joint BioEnergy Institute (JBEI)
Casey Hubert, Newcastle University
R. Krishna Mahadevan, University of Toronto
Vincent Martin, Concordia University
Ray Miller, Verdezyne
William J. Orts, USDA Agricultural Research Service
Cesar Rodriguez, Autodesk
Dominic Sauvageau, University of Alberta
Kevin Scoble, Regional Municipality of Wood Buffalo
Lisa Stein, University of Alberta
David Stuart, University of Alberta
Eleftherios Papoutsakis, University of Delaware (KEYNOTE)
1st Symposium on Enabling Technologies for
Engineered Biofunctionality
(ETEB 2013)
May 27-28, 2013
A Joint Symposium by Biorefining Conversions Network & ETP Symposium Inc.
Telus Centre, University of Alberta,
Edmonton, AB, CANADA

7th International Symposium on Enabling Technologies (ETP 2013)
April 30 - May 1, 2013
Metro Toronto Convention Centre
Toronto, CANADA

Daniel Figeys, University of Ottawa
Invited Speakers
Perdita Barran, The University of Edinburgh
Ronald Beavis, Beavis Informatics Ltd.
Donald Douglas, University of British Columbia
Norman Dovichi, University of Notre Dame
Ann English, Concordia University
Daniele Fabris, University at Albany
John Klassen, University of Alberta
X. Chris Le, University of Alberta
Richard Oleschuk, Queen's University
Anthony Pawson, Mount Sinai Hospital
Pierre Thibault, Université de Montréal
Sarah Trimpin, Wayne State University
Dietrich Volmer, Universität des Saarlandes
Fangjun Wang, Dalian Institute of Chemical Physics
Hailin Wang, Key State Laboratory, RCEES, CAS
John Wilkins, University of Manitoba
David Wishart, University of Alberta
Symposium Chair
Catherine Costello, Boston University School of Medicine
Invited Speakers
Ruedi Aebersold, Institute for Molecular Systems Biology, ETH Zurich
Natalie G. Ahn, University of Colorado
J. Thomas Brenna, Cornell University
Brian Chait, Rockefeller University
Daniele Fabris, University at Albany
Claude Lechene, Harvard Medical School
Joel Pel, Boreal Genomics
Jonathan Sweedler, University of Illinois
Scott Tanner, University of Toronto
Jane Thomas-Oates, The University of York
6th International Symposium on Enabling Technologies
(ETP Boston)
Omni Parker House, 60 School Street, Boston

5th Symposium on Enabling Technologies for Proteomics (ETP 2011)
May 10-11, 2011, Banff, AB
(in conjunction with the
3rd Annual Symposium
of the Canadian National Proteomics Network)

Symposium Chair
Randal Johnston, University of Calgary
Invited Speakers
N. Leigh Anderson, Plasma Proteome Institute
Alison Ashcroft, University of Leeds
Catherine Costello, Boston University School of Medicine
Lars Konermann, University of Western Ontario
Bin Ma, University of Waterloo
Alan Marshall, Florida State University
Jochen Schwenk, School of Biotechnology, KTH
Richard D. Smith, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory
John Yates, The Scripps Research Institute
Ken Standing Award Winner:
Daniel Figeys, University of Ottawa
Christoph Borchers, University of Victoria
K.W. Michael Siu, York University
Invited Speakers:
Ruedi Aebersold, Institute for Molecular Systems Biology, ETH Zurich
Catherine E. Costello, Boston University School of Medicine
Norm Dovichi, University of Washington
Andrew Emili, University of Toronto
Gerard Hopfgartner, Universite de Geneve
Juergen Kast, University of British Columbia
David Schriemer, University of Calgary
David Wishart, University of Alberta
Ken Standing Award Winner:
Joshua J. Coon, University of Wisconsin, Madison
4th Symposium on Enabling Technologies for Proteomics (ETP 2009)
May 14, 2009,
Vancouver, Canada

3rd Symposium on Enabling Technologies for Proteomics
(ETP 2007)
May 10-11, 2007,
MaRS District Discovery, Toronto

David Bailey, President & CEO, Genome Alberta
Invited Speakers:
Cheryl Arrowsmith, Ontario Cancer Institute
Christoph Borchers, University of Victoria
Steven Carr, Broad Institute of Harvard & MIT
Thomas Conrads, University of Pittsburgh
Donald Hunt, University of Virginia
Michael Karas, Johann Wolfgang Goethe University
Scott McLuckey, Purdue University
Garry Nolan, Stanford University
Tony Pawson, SLRI, Mount Sinai Hospital
Emanuel Petricoin, George Manson University
Scott Tanner, University of Toronto
Matthias Wilm, Bioanalytical Research Group, EMBL
Ken Standing Award Winner:
John D. Brennan, McMaster University
Robert K. Boyd, Researcher Emeritus,
National Research Council
Invited Speakers:
Leigh Anderson, Plasma Proteome Institute
Ron Beavis, Beavis Informatics Ltd.
Brian Chait, Rockefeller University
Werner Ens, University of Manitoba
Simon Gaskell, UMIST, Manchester, UK
Joshua LaBaer, Harvard Institute of Proteomics
Alan Marshall, Florida State University
Richard Oleschuk, Queens' University at Kingston
Michael Roukes, California Institute of Technology
Andrej Shevchenko, Max Planck Institute
Richard D. Smith, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory
Pierre Thibault, Universite de Montreal
Ger van den Engh, Institute for Systems Biology
2nd Symposium on Enabling Technologies for Proteomics (ETP 2005)
September 22-23, 2005,
Calgary, AB, Canada

1st Symposium on Enabling Technologies for Proteomics
(ETP 2004)
May 13, 2004,
Montreal, QC, Canada

Symposium Chair:
Ken Standing, University of Manitoba
Invited Speakers:
Ruedi Aebersold, Institute for Systems Biology
Richard Caprioli, Vanderbilt University
Norm Dovichi, University of Washington
Jed Harrison, University of Alberta
Andrew Krutchinsky, Rockefeller University
Liang Li, University of Alberta
John Marshall, Ryerson University
Scott McLuckey, Purdue University
Kevin Rosenblatt, UT, Southwestern Medical Center
John Yates, The Scripps Research Institute